11 Best AI Knowledge Management Software Systems (2023)

In the digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) business tools are making major waves – especially for knowledge management.

AI knowledge management software helps you wrangle all your information assets – we’re talking articles, presentations, images, audio, video, any data you need. These tools make finding, storing, retrieving and sharing information a total breeze.

So in this article, we’ll explore the top AI knowledge management tools that automate organizing and managing info. This allows you to tap into the exact data you need, quickly and accurately.

AI knowledge management software
Table of Contents

1. Process Street

Process Street

Process Street is shaking things up in knowledge management by blending traditional process tools with artificial intelligence. This platform is designed to meet the needs of modern businesses with features that turn normal workflows into smart, AI-powered processes.

One cool feature is the AI Workflow Generator. Instead of manually making workflows, just give Process Street instructions or upload documents. It will craft a tailored workflow with due dates, assignments, approvals, dependencies, data transfers – the works. The AI understands what you need to make efficient and effective workflows.

Process Street takes data security seriously. Your specific data stays only in your workflow instance, never for training models. It also has dynamic AI instructions so previous task data can shape what comes next. This enables personalized emails, formulas, detailed content analysis, and more.

The AI-Task feature shows Process Street’s commitment to automation. Upload docs to workflows, and the AI reads, analyzes, and completes related tasks – we’re talking data transformations, sentiment analysis, translations.

Plus, Process Street adapts by recognizing process patterns and adding relevant new tasks to existing workflows. This keeps things updated.

For knowledge management, Process Street offers a robust system to harness the power of knowledge. This is key for overcoming challenges like knowledge gaps or loss. It enhances knowledge flow in organizations, improving customer support, onboarding, and more.

Knowledge management can be internal, like processes and SOPs, to boost efficiency. Or it can be external and customer-focused, like FAQs and informative articles, to improve user experience.

In short, Process Street integrates AI to redefine knowledge management and process automation. For any business aiming to thrive digitally, Process Street delivers the tools, intelligence, and adaptability needed to stay ahead.

2. ScribeScribe

In the digital age, knowledge management is make-or-break for businesses aiming to stay competitive. And Scribe shines bright by bringing AI SOP software to transform how organizations document and manage processes.

One of Scribe’s superpowers is using AI to automatically create how-to guides, SOPs, training manuals – you name it. This removes the headache of manual documentation for a huge boost in productivity and faster process recording. Questions get answered swiftly too.

Beyond creating content, Scribe offers tons of customization so you can add titles, descriptions, and tailor things to your needs.

The guides Scribe whips up are easily shareable through quick links, PDF exports, embeddings, etc. So your team always has the info they need easily accessible. 

Integration with ChatGPT takes things up a notch by allowing Scribe to generate new knowledge automatically without human input. 

Scribe’s AI can refine content, suggest relevant biz terms, and combine data from different sources to measure content impact. The AI search engines simplify finding the right info and serve up personalized recommendations.

In short, Scribe is leading the pack when it comes to AI-powered knowledge management. By streamlining documentation and supercharging knowledge sharing, Scribe helps businesses stay focused on their goals.

3. Slite


Slite is a collaborative knowledge-sharing app that brings clarity to teamwork even when your team is apart.

Essentially, Slite gathers your scattered docs, notes, and wikis into one place helping you organize your workspace, create content, and collaborate in one place.

You can add your docs for departments or projects, set up privacy, and manage member permissions. Channels offer easy access to all your docs and carve a path for greater clarity.

You can create as many docs as you need per channel and nest docs below other docs in a hierarchy to keep things tidy. 

You can use good naming practices to make docs easy to find, but we also offer a lightning-fast and intuitive search to find what you need when you need it.

Slite is built around a lightweight and flexible editor. You’ll be able to format your text using editor options and create simple tables and smart tables to organize your docs in a new way.

The tool lets you easily add content from services you use, like Google Drive, YouTube, Airtable, and more.

You can even make doc templates to streamline your best practices. They help make it easy to create good docs that your team will actually want to read. 

And if you need someone’s eyes on a doc, just invite them through the Share menu. Teammates and guests can edit docs with you, @mention you, or leave you comments.

When you’re working on a doc alongside your teammates, you’ll see collaborative cursors to show you where they’re working in real-time.

Finally, you can integrate with all the tools you already use like Slack, GitHub, Asana, and Trello.

Whether you’re working on a team handbook, writing meeting notes, or documenting a project, Slight is designed to be simple to use, so your team can adopt it seamlessly.

4. Docsie


Docsie.io is AI-powered knowledge management software that focuses on creating, organizing, and managing professional documentation.

Docsie aims to be the solution to the chaotic landscape of documentation practices found in many organizations. It’s the most effective approach to creating and managing not just a single document, but a dynamic collection of docs.

In a complex corporate setup, where you’re juggling multiple products, teams, and information, Docsie brings order to chaos. It streamlines the documentation processes, unifying software documentation, marketing literature, sales collaterals, API documentation, team wikis, and customer-facing content into one intuitive platform.

Docsie’s unique “shelves” concept allows you to categorize your documentation based on websites, products, departments, or individuals, providing an unprecedented level of flexibility.

Then you can invite different teams to collaborate on each shelf and write better documentation together. You can also use Docsie chat to communicate ideas and share suggestions with your team. Then once you are ready, you can easily translate your docs into multiple languages and even maintain multiple versions of your documentation which is really neat.

Once that’s done, you can simply publish all of your documentation to your app or website with one line of code.

Traditional documentation tools only let you publish in a variety of formats. Docsie goes above and beyond. Docsie allows you to embed documentation anywhere with just a few lines of JavaScript.

That is, you keep your content on Docsie, but your users can see it wherever you want them to.By having separate permissions and user management per shelf, the software also allows you to collaborate with your internal and external teams.

But Docsie’s versatility doesn’t end there. Its predictive documentation AI empowers you with helpful suggestions, coupled with predictive writing, to improve the quality of your documentation. So as soon as you write your docs, Docsie learns how you write them and provides your team with contextually relevant suggestions to speed up your workflow, which essentially means Docsie will help write documentation for you.

Docsie.io also has software that uses artificial intelligence to help people write and publish documents. Their usability is further improved by a mobile app that is easy to access and use wherever you are.

5. Notion


If you’re active in the productivity and knowledge management space, there’s a good chance you’ve come across Notion. Notion’s capabilities extend beyond traditional knowledge management. It’s a robust platform that combines AI-enhanced features with customizable interfaces to manage knowledge effectively.

Notion AI can help you generate text based on your questions and the context of the page you’re on. There are three main ways to use it, depending on what you need at the time.

  1. Improving existing content
  2. Generating a summary or extracting insights
  3. Drafting new text


The artificial intelligence behind Notion isn’t just about writing new information. It’s also great for making sense of what you’ve already written. For example, It can do things like pulling out action items from meeting notes or turning customer research into clear insights. It can even translate text into other languages.

Notion AI also makes meetings easier by helping summarize notes. It has special AI blocks like ‘summarize’, ‘action items’, and ‘custom content’ that use the power of AI and the context of the page to create custom content. These blocks can also be added into database templates to be part of your regular meeting process.

It’s also a great tool for turning messy notes into clear, professional documents. For example, you can write bullet points and ask AI to turn them into a paragraph or use AI to quickly identify the most important parts of a document.

You can even use it to analyze large amounts of text and pull out common themes or counts of specific requests.

If you’re not sure what to ask Notion AI, you can use custom prompts like “create a list of bullet points with important items” or “summarize this information in a table”.

And if you need to change existing content, Notion AI can help you adapt the tone, fix spelling and grammar, find synonyms, or translate content into another language.

Notion also offers AI project management tools to manage any project from beginning to end, including automated sprints and integrations from Github, Figma, Slack, and more

6. Document 360

document 360

This knowledge management solution aims to change the way the company works from relying heavily on word of mouth and slow workflow to a self-sufficient process with a constant flow of useful information.

Document360 gives you all the tools you need to send information quickly and effectively so that this happens. Their software is split into two different hubs to make things easier to keep track of; one is for customers and employees only, while the other is for editors and reviewers.

Each portal lets you change the information and how it’s delivered. Document360 also uses tools that are standard in the industry and lets users add extensions to their browsers to ensure a smooth workflow.

Document360’s AI knowledge base software is used by a wide range of businesses, such as Virgin Red, McDonald’s, Stackify, and Harvard University.

7. OneBar


OneBar makes it easier for companies to get the most important information they need. They have a unique way of putting all of this information into a single, highly optimized AI-powered search bar. Using this single bar, the AI bot will be able to come up with a curated answer by pulling information from messages, threads, and other sources as you tell it to.

This lets the company set up a system of frequently asked questions (FAQ) that is based on knowledge and aims to make customers happy. OneBar’s software also lets them embed things in their answers, and they use web services like Google Drive that are already out there.

OneBar also has an add-on for Google Chrome and works with other tools and websites that are commonly used in the industry.

With the help of AI, OneBar’s software can help with semantic search and can even improve IT services to make them more self-sufficient. 

OneBar’s artificial intelligence knowledge management software is used by companies like NuOrder, Apollo, ThoughtSpot, and Getaround.

8. Lucy AI

Lucy AI

Lucy AI is a knowledge management software that uses research and AI-assisted processes to improve and optimize all internal processes. Lucy AI skips the step of tagging already-existing data and instead makes a platform that holds all of the useful information in one place.

This knowledge management software is entirely dependent on machine learning and the more you put Lucy AI to the test, the better it will get. By using highly optimized artificial intelligence protocols, Lucy will grow along with your company and learn every bit of the operational process.

Other than simplifying research and optimizing organizational operations, Lucy AI promotes secure systems. It has integrated features that ensure that the company remains compliant with all security and privacy requirements. This solution can be integrated seamlessly with SAP, Jira, Office 360, SharePoint Online, OneDrive, Dropbox, Salesforce, and more.

There are many successful companies that utilize Lucy AI to cover their internal knowledge management needs. Their technologies are used by brand names like Best Buy, Target, PepsiCo, SAP, IBM, Lowe’s, and even HBO MAX.

9. Starmind AI

Starmind AI’s sole purpose is to provide quick delivery of the right knowledge to the right person. This software is designed to promote tailor-made connections that are established through the repetitive interactions between Starmind AI and the user, as the machine grows smarter and better.

Starmind lets members of a team post questions anonymously under certain categories and tags. This way, coworkers with the most relevant knowledge and skill sets are automatically notified.

It lets supervisors make knowledge spaces for their teams or departments that include multiple categories, experts, subscription tools, tools for working together, and more.

It also has built-in search features that help employees find relevant content, questions, topics, knowledge experts, and other information.

10. eGain Knowledge Hub

eGain knowledge hub

eGain Knowledge Hub is an analyst-awarded knowledge management software that ensures quality customer service by instilling knowledge in your customer service agents, making all agents as productive as your best. It ensures fast, consistent, and accurate answers by giving agents and other users a variety of ways to access information from the common knowledge base.

The eGain customer service knowledge software unifies multiple knowledge management tools, like content management (CMS), search, artificial intelligence, workflow management, knowledge analytics, and more.

By using the right knowledge management software you can be sure you have the right tools to serve the right answers to customers in their time of need.

The eGain Knowledge Hub is built on a one-of-a-kind collaborative knowledge management framework that enables cost-effective management by allowing for distributed content creation and editorial workflow.

Any user, based on the roles assigned by the company, can easily suggest content for the application. To ensure consistency and quality, the content is routed through a workflow. This powerful adaptability enables businesses to respond to changing customer needs.

The knowledge application uses self-organizing techniques to provide relevant answers to customer requests based on dynamic relevance ranking and user feedback.

They also have a dedicated community for developers and a marketplace combined to an Econet portal designed for partners. CVS Health, UnionBank, Bell, Virgin, and even major institutions like the IRS all use eGain to supply their artificial intelligence assistance and knowledge software management needs.

11. Genesys Knowledge Management

Genesys provides user-friendly knowledge management software that enables you to provide better agent and customer experiences. The platform empowers Artificial intelligence (AI) technology, like semantic search and NLP that understands interaction context and provides answers.

The platform lets you remove silos throughout your organization to make compiling and accessing your content library, customer data, and other useful resources easier.

With Genesys, you can collect real-time feedback from customers and agents to identify areas for correction and enrichment of knowledge content. Managers can identify knowledge gaps and train agents using real-time insights.

Contact centers can continuously improve the quality of their service by having easy access to feedback on both the knowledge provided and the agents who provide it.

How is AI Used in Knowledge Management?

AI is used in knowledge management to automate processes, analyze data, and provide insights. AI-based systems can collect and organize data, identify patterns, and offer recommendations for further action.

AI can also identify trends in customer feedback and help companies quickly respond to customer needs. AI can even be used to detect potential problems before they arise.

Choosing the Right AI Knowledge Management Software

And there you have it – the top AI knowledge management tools to help you organize, access and share information. With the right platform, you’ll be a knowledge-sharing superstar.

These AI-powered solutions are total game-changers for businesses of any size to wrangle massive amounts of data and drive productivity. But you still should weigh factors like cost, scalability, security, and support when choosing one.

Think about your specific needs – are you managing complex technical docs or simpler FAQs? Lots of video content or mostly text documents? What’s your budget and timeline? How many users need access? Ask all the right questions.

Because there’s an ideal AI knowledge base software out there for everyone ready to transform scattered info into shareable insights. So explore your options, weigh the pros and cons, and find the one that clicks with your business goals.

With smarter knowledge sharing, your productivity and collaboration will hit new heights. And placing powerful data right at your team’s fingertips is a game-changer. So embrace AI and take your knowledge management from chaos to mastery.

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