Frase Review 2023 [+Tips on How To Use It Like a PRO]


In this in depth Frase review, I’ll give you a full demo to show you how the tool works. Then we’re going to look at the pros and cons, how it compares with other content research tools, and how it helps you rank higher on Google with SEO in 2023. is a very interesting tool for optimizing content so, if you want to save a lot of time with SEO, if you want to improve your content, if you really want to take the quality up to the next level, then potentially might one of the best AI SEO tools for you.

And you’ll see the reasons behind it in a moment.

So let’s get started.


💡 Note

In this Frase review, I’m going to walk you through this platform step by step so at the end of this tutorial, you’ll know exactly how to use this tool to create SEO optimized content. And if you want to work along with me, here you can start your Frase 7 day trial.

What Is Frase?

frase is an AI-powered SEO tool that helps you optimize your content so that you can rank higher on Google.

Frase can analyze your top competitors who are already ranking on the first page of Google, help you understand what headers, what questions, what keywords have included, and then it can help you can create a piece of content that’s optimized in a similar way, but potentially better than your competitor’s so that you can outrank them.

Basically, reverse engineers for your particular keyword that you want to rank for.

It does most of the analysis that would normally take you hours to do manually in just a few minutes so it can be quite a powerful tool if it’s used in the right way.

And if you take at the Frase official website, you’ll see that some serious brands are using this software so it makes a nice change.

So now you know what is Frase used for, let’s take a look at how it works.

Frase Tutorial & How To Use It

When you log in, you’ll see the document area dashboard and all of the outlines you’ve created so far in terms of optimizing your content. And to get started the first thing you want to do is click on the “new document”

As you can see, I use Frase myself and I’ve created quite a few documents already.

And let’s say you want to create a new blog article, you want to make sure it’s optimized for SEO, and you’re not sure how to go about it.

Well, the first thing you want to do is click “create document” in the right-hand corner, name the document, type in your target search query, and put it in a folder to stay organized.

create document

And before we do that, you can also optimize existing content too. So, you can take a piece of content that you’ve already created.

Maybe it’s not ranking, maybe you want to improve it, or it’s on the first page of Google, but you want to get it to that number one spot, then you can click on optimize existing content, which we’ll come onto in a second.

But for now, let’s focus on creating a new document.

So on the left-hand navigation, you have an outline builder. And here you just simply add the keyword you want to target, hit enter, and watch Frase do its magic.

The first box loads with relevant keywords.

frase outline builder

Hit the one you like and you’ll get related questions in the middle box.

Then you can select the related questions you want to tackle, and your document and watch them move automatically to your outline builder.

The first thing you’ll see is a content brief section.

frase content brief

This is really handy if you’re outsourcing your content creation because you can simply send the content briefs of your writers and let them get on with it.

I create my own content so I don’t actually bother with the content briefs, but I could create multiple briefs in one sitting if I wanted to get a lot of content ideas.

Then at some point in the future, I can just sit down, pick up one of the briefings and write the content.

When you’re ready to create, you can take anything you want from the content brief section by simply copying the headings and pasting those headings into the “my content” section”.

frase my content

Then on the right-hand side, you’ll see the SERP analysis.

Frase SERP Analysis

In this section, Frase basically is going to analyze all of your competitors on the first page of Google for your particular keyword.

So we can optimize our content before we write it to make sure that it ranks on Google.

And this shows you the average word count headers, images, and links based on the top competing pages.

frase serp results

For this example, that most blog articles on the topic that are ranking right now on Google have 1651 words on average, they have 6 headers, on average 4 backlinks to the page, and 4 images.

And this is basically an average of your top competitors on the first page of Google who are already ranking.

So, it looks at what’s working for your competitors already, and then how can you reverse engineer their process.

Below that, you can see the headings that the top competitors are using and if you like one of these headings, you can actually hit the copy symbol to add it to your document.


Now I suggest you don’t just copy the headings from other competitors, actually tweak them and make them your own headers.

You can even underneath that, if you want to maybe use some of the content that’s already ranking for inspiration, maybe your writer wants to rewrite it, what you can do is include an example passage underneath the heading that describes what you should be writing about.

Basically, you will never run out of content ideas when it comes to Frase because it has so much data which is pretty cool.

Headers, links and stats present you with more data you can potentially add to your doc.

If we go to the header section, we can see all of the headings that you could potentially include.


However, not all of them are going to be relevant.

But if you can pick out the relevant headings manually, then this will save you a lot of time because otherwise, you’d be sat there, researching competitors manually, maybe trying to create headings yourself, not really sure of what to write.

And this saves a lot of thinking process for you so it’s pretty useful in that aspect.

And then you can also see what sort of external links people have included in their articles.

Finally, we’ve got the stats section. Now, quite often if you’re trying to sound authoritative and well-referenced and add credibility to your content, then you would include some statistics too.

And you can actually see what’s commonly used by your competitors for this keyword in the stats section.

So, you can see these are the statistics that your competitors are using right now to add more references and authority to the content they’re creating.

And you can even filter that down by keyword which is cool.

It does a much better job than a very simcilar content research CrawlQ in terms of SERP analysis as I dive deep in my CrawlQ review.

But anyway, let’s move on to the topic score section.

Frase Topic Score

The Topic Score tab is what I spend most of my time when I’m creating my document.

frase topic score

From here, you can drop down the filter and show clusters, long-tail keywords, and more.

You can also see the suggested keywords and quickly add the ones you want to your doc with just a click and your relevancy score change as you want keywords to your doc.

As you write your document, if you wish, you can click on Highlight and actually see visually where you’re adding keywords. I don’t actually bother with that, but it’s a nice touch.

Then you can see that you cannot images and links to your document and your relevancy score are affected by outgoing links, internal links, and images.

And if you’ve already created the content elsewhere or you have something to work with, then you can use the import content from a URL.

import content

You paste the URL and you’ll get an editable preview showing your title and your content.

And when you’re ready, you click on “Confirm Import” and that will import your content into this document from where you can start tweaking and improving your relevancy score.

When you finish a document, you can export it as a PDF. If you want to hand it over to a writer, for example, or as HTML, which is handy, we have a non-WordPress website.

You can also copy the content to your clipboard and then just paste it into WordPress.

Frase Questions

The Questions tab organizes questions from Google, Quora, and even Reddit, so you can really cover a topic in-depth by answering relevant questions.

frase questions

So, when people type a particular keyword into Google, what specific questions and problems do they want to be answered.

One of the things that I would say with this is that not all the questions are relevant so you still have to use a bit of common sense.

For this example, Frase suggested a question “what is Michelle Obama’s IQ”

Somehow, I don’t think that’s relevant to the cryptocurrency keyword so I wouldn’t include it as headings and that’s why you need to filter them out.

But sometimes this section can be very useful. It really depends on what you’re searching for.

The most useful feature is the Google people also ask section because you can see what are the FAQs people asking for and how can you answer them.

So you got a ton of questions you can answer, or your writer can answer, and it’s going to save a lot of researching process as well.

Frase Related

And then the final section is related and it will show you other pieces of content that are out there that are related to this particular search term.

So, here you can see all these competing articles; they are very similar to yours.

And you could use them for inspiration. You could give them to your writer and say, these are some examples of content that’s already ranking that I really like.

It’s just going to save you a lot of time in the process.

Frase Content Analysis

In this section, you’ll see all your documents being tracked by Frase.

frase content analysis

You can also connect Frase to your Google Search Console and track the performance of all your content.

And here’s where things get really, really cool.

You can see which pages are ranking or what queries you ranking for, or what questions you ranking for, and even what keyword clusters you’re ranking for. 

And now you’ll notice that I have a couple of opportunities.

frase opportunities

What this means is that a particular keyword is getting impressions and Google Search Console and maybe a few clicks.

But the page itself is not ranking high enough, so Frase marks that as an opportunity. I can see that I have 26 impressions and two clicks for this particular page, which is ranked on average at position 35.

And what I can do at this point is go back to that particular document and improve its relevancy score, or if it’s already high, then build some backlinks to improve the domain authority.

Tips On How To Use Frase

And when it comes to blog outlines, the more detail and the more specific you can make your blog outline, the less room there is for failure if you’re giving that to a team or even if you’re writing it yourself.

When you are preparing a blog outline, you are trying to save time upfront, you’re planning the article out so that when it comes to writing the article, you don’t have to spend time wondering what to write about, and instead, you can focus on the actual content.

And we want to start from scratch, what you can also do is you can automate your content brief. So instead of doing all of that stuff manually, you can select all the details from this list, and then click insert brief into the editor.

And that’s going to create a content brief for you.

So instead of going through the header section and the question section, everything else manually, you can get Frase to do this automatically for you.

And then you just need to give it a quick proofread to make sure that there’s nothing irrelevant.

So now you’ve basically got the whole content brief automated for you. And a job that would normally take 1 hour to do is automated in the space of like two minutes so it’s pretty cool.

And then If you’re giving this to a writer you would probably need to include some details about your target audience and the customer after you’re trying to target, and then also the goal.

So, what are you trying to achieve with this article, and how are you trying to help people.

Once you are done, you can share your content brief.

share frase document

You can make it editable or private, and basically, you could just copy the link, give it to a writer, they put all the details in, and that’s it.

Now, as I said before, there are pros and cons to this, which I’ll come onto, but at the minute, if you want to save time when you’re creating content briefs, Frase is pretty useful.

Frase Pricing

Frase pricing

In terms of pricing, Frase offers 3 pricing plans:

  • Solo – $14.99/month
  • Basic – $44.99/month
  • Team – $114.99/month

So if you are using Frase content to answer questions in search engines and to optimize your content, then this will cost for a basic package, $44.99 per month. And with that, you get 30 document credits.

If you get the Team package where you get more users on your account, maybe have a writer on your team, maybe someone who edits the content, or even a VA who takes the content and then posts on your website, well then, you could use the team account for $114.99/month and from there you could scale up your content process and outsource it to your team instead.

Frase also offers a 5-day free trial

Frase Alternatives

Here are some of the AI SEO and content research tools that you could use as a Frase alternative:

When it comes to features and similarities, the most similar SEO tool to Frase is Surfer SEO. Another solid and affordable option is WriterZen as I explain in this WriterZen review.

Frase vs Surfer SEO

Now, let’s talk about how Frase compares to Surfer SEO.

Well, Surfer SEO is another AI-based SEO optimization tool, very similar to Frase.

In fact, I was using Surfer SEO before Frase came out. I really like both tools, but honestly, these days when it comes to creating content briefs for my writers, I’m leaning more towards Frase IO.

And that surprised me when I first bought the software, but it just saves me a lot more time, it’s super user-friendly, it’s really quick to create content briefs and the great thing is Frase IO is just bringing out tons of features all the time.

They’re constantly updating the software. I noticed that they brought out many AI features recently, so it’s such a cool tool.

Frase Pros & Cons

So, what are the pros and cons of Frase IO?

Frase Pros

Well, what I love about Frase IO is that it will save you time. It’s a very powerful tool. You can automate most of it, and a job that used to 1 hour when you create content briefs is now done in no longer than 10 minutes plus, it’s usually a lot more accurate because you are using data from websites that actually rank on Google.

And if you try to do this manually yourself, it’s going to take you a lot of time.

Frase Cons

When it comes to the cons of Frase is that you have to use a lot of common sense with this tool. You can’t just blindly create your content brief, hoping It’s going to rank using all the suggestions from Frase.

So that’s a bit of a con and a bit of a downside, but at the same time, it’s not magic, and you have to do the work yourself.

You have to go through and filer out the list manually, pick out the headers that are actually relevant, pick out the topics that are relevant, and eliminate questions that aren’t really related to the topic because Frase will drop them in occasionally.

So it’s always good to scan through the tool manually because then you’re making sure the quality of the content briefs you’re creating is actually good. And you’re not just hoping that Frase actually has good content briefs.

So, when you scan it manually yourself, just use a bit of common sense, filter out the crap and you’ll have a much better content brief.

Frase Review Final Words & Value For Money

That’s pretty much it for this Frase review. I really hope this article helped you decide if this SEO tool is for you.

So as you can see, Frase is a powerful tool. It’s really well thought out and I use it exclusively to create my content.

It’s also worth mentioning that on the Frase website, you can see some testimonials from some well-known people in the industry, including the director of SEO at Shopify as well as the growth content marketer at ActiveCampaign so these are not just random reviews from the internet.

When it comes to pricing, Frase can feel a little bit expensive for the individual but it has way more features than most of the keyword research tools.

And if you’re a solopreneur and you have a client and you can secure a month of SEO or two, then you could dedicate that month to creating content for your stuff. Once you finish your client work, if you’re in a team or an agency, then it’s a no-brainer, any client work will pay for that.

If you found this review helpful and decide to use this tool, below is my affiliate link to the Frase free trial so you can at least get some content done and test the software out for 5 days to see how it works for you.

Thanks for your support!

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